STIMULATE mit hoher Präsenz auf der diesjährigen virtuellen ISMRM

Die International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) ist eine gemeinnützige Fachgesellschaft, die sich der Förderung der Kommunikation, Forschung, Entwicklung und Anwendung von Magnetresonanztechniken in Medizin und Biologie widmet. Die Gesellschaft veranstaltet jährliche Tagungen. In diesem Jahr fand diese vom 15.-20. Mai 2021 in digitaler Form statt.

Wie auch bei der letzten Veranstaltung war der Forschungscampus STIMULATE mit einer großen Anzahl an Beiträgen vertreten. Große Präsenz hatten dabei der Tabletop MRT sowie die verbaute Open-Source Console for Real-time Acquisition (OCRA), für welche Marcus Prier und Robert Kowal an drei Abstracts maßgeblich mitgewirkt haben. Des Weiteren haben Soumick Chatterjee sowie Chompunuch Sarasaen Beiträge über die Verwendung von Deep Learning Algorithmen im MR-Bereich veröffentlicht. Annalena Erbrecht stellte einen Beitrag zu einem digitalen MRI RF-Receiver vor.

Hier die gesamte Auflistung der diesjährigen Beiträge und Referenten:

  • A Digital MRI RF–receiver using an ordinary GPU (Annalena Erbrecht)
  • Comparison of SNR between a low-field “0,26T” Tabletop-MRI and a clinical high-field (3T) scanner (Robert Kowal)
  • Fine-tuning deep learning model parameters for improved super-resolution of dynamic MRI with prior-knowledge (Chompunuch Sarasaen)
  • Going beyond the image space: under sampled MRI reconstruction directly in the k-space using a complex valued residual neural network (Soumick Chatterjee)
  • A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Based Deformable Image Registration Techniques (Soumick Chatterjee)
  • Interpretability Techniques for Deep Learning based Segmentation Models (Soumick Chatterjee)
  • Unsupervised reconstruction-based anomaly detection using a Variational Auto Encoder (Soumick Chatterjee)
  • Educational Tabletop MRI system using the Open-Source Console for Real-time Acquisition [OCRA] (Marcus Prier)
  • Stand-Alone Hardware SAR Monitor based on low cost electronic standard components (Marcus Prier)
  • Research and educational applications of an open source, low cost MRI console with an accessible pulse sequence programming environment (International Group, Co. Author Marcus Prier)

(Mai 2021)


STIMULATE with a high presence at this year's virtual ISMRM

The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) is a non-profit, scientific association dedicated to promoting communication, research, development and application of magnetic resonance techniques in medicine and biology. The society hosts annual meetings and this year it was held virtually from May 15-20, 2021.

In this year´s meeting, STIMULATE research campus was represented by a large number of contributions. The Tabletop MRI had a large presence, as well as the built-in Open-Source Console for Real-time Acquisition (OCRA), for which Marcus Prier and Robert Kowal contributed significantly to three abstracts. Furthermore, Soumick Chatterjee and Chompunuch Sarasaen presented six abstracts on various applications of deep learning algorithms in the MR domain, including under sampled MR reconstruction. Annalena Erbrecht provided a contribution on a digital MRI RF receiver.

Here is the complete listing of contributions and speakers:

  • A Digital MRI RF – receiver using an ordinary GPU (Annalena Erbrecht)
  • Comparison of SNR between a low-field “0,26T” Tabletop-MRI and a clinical high-field (3T) scanner (Robert Kowal)
  • Fine-tuning deep learning model parameters for improved super-resolution of dynamic MRI with prior-knowledge (Chompunuch Sarasaen)
  • Going beyond the image space: under sampled MRI reconstruction directly in the k-space using a complex valued residual neural network (Soumick Chatterjee)
  • A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Based Deformable Image Registration Techniques (Soumick Chatterjee)
  • Interpretability Techniques for Deep Learning based Segmentation Models (Soumick Chatterjee)
  • Unsupervised reconstruction-based anomaly detection using a Variational Auto Encoder (Soumick Chatterjee)
  • Educational Tabletop MRI system using the Open-Source Console for Real-time Acquisition [OCRA] (Marcus Prier)
  • Stand-Alone Hardware SAR Monitor based on low cost electronic standard components (Marcus Prier)
  • Research and educational applications of an open source, low cost MRI console with an accessible pulse sequence programming environment (International Group, Co. Author Marcus Prier)

(May 2021)