STIMULATE auf der EMBC in Glasgow

Vom 11. bis zum 15.Juli fand die 44. internationale Konferenz “Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference” (EMBC) in Glasgow statt. Auch Beteiligte des Forschungscampus STIMULATE erfreuten sich über den regen und in persona stattfindenden Austausch und stellten dem internationalen Fachpublikum ihre neusten Forschungsergebnisse vor:

  • Thomas Gerlach hielt einen Vortrag zum Thema "A Real-Time Energy Monitoring System for an MRI Hybrid Ablation System"
  • Christina Grüll präsentierte ein Poster mit dem Titel “Development of a sterile Interaction Device during Image guided minimal-invasive Interventions”

(Juli 2022)

STIMULATE at the EMBC in Glasgow

From 11 to 15 July, the 44th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC) took place in Glasgow. Participants of the Research Campus STIMULATE  also enjoyed the lively and in-person exchange and presented their latest research results to the international audience of experts:

  • Thomas Gerlach gave a presentation on "A Real-Time Energy Monitoring System for an MRI Hybrid Ablation System".
  • Christina Grüll presented a poster entitled "Development of a sterile Interaction Device during Image-guided Minimally-Invasive Interventions".

(July 2022)