STIMULATE beim CT-Meeting

Die 8th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography fand vom 5. bis 9. August 2024 im Welcome Kongresshotel Bamberg statt. Die vom Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum organisierte internationale Konferenz befasst sich inhaltlich mit der Bildentstehung in der Röntgen-Computertomographie.

Die STIMULATE-Mitarbeiter Daniel Punzet und Yuedong Yuan präsentierten auf der Konferenz insgesamt vier wissenschaftliche Arbeiten. Yuedong Yuan, der erst seit kurzem Teil des STIMULATE-Teams ist, hielt einen Talk, der während seiner vorherigen Tätigkeit an der FAU Erlangen entstanden ist (Yuedong, Y., Schneider, L.-S., Maier, A.: Application of Gated Recurrent Units for CT Trajectory Optimization). Daniel Punzet präsentierte 2 Poster zu den Themen “The Impact of Arterial Input Function Selection on Dynamic Liver Perfusion Imaging with Cone-Beam CT” (Haseljic, H., Frysch, R., Kulvait, V., Punzet, D., Werncke, T., Speck, O., Rose, G.) und “Evaluation of Data Consistency Condition-based Beam Hardening and Scatter Corrections for Clinical C-arm CBCT” (Abdurahman, S., Frysch, R., Punzet, D., Manhart, M., Lücking, H., Lang, S., Dörfler, A., Rose, G.) sowie einen Talk zu “Preliminary simulation results in model-based iterative DECT with respect to convergence speed, truncation and dose-reduction via double half scan geometry” (Bismark, R., Rose, G.).

Die Arbeiten können im Abstractband eingesehen werden.

STIMULATE at the CT Meeting

The 8th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography took place from 5 to 9 August 2024 at the Welcome Kongresshotel Bamberg. Organised by the German Cancer Research Center, the international conference focused on image formation in X-ray computed tomography.

STIMULATE employees Daniel Punzet and Yuedong Yuan presented a total of four scientific papers at the conference. Yuedong Yuan, who has only recently joined the STIMULATE team, gave a talk that was created during his previous work at FAU Erlangen (Yuedong, Y., Schneider, L.-S., Maier, A.: Application of Gated Recurrent Units for CT Trajectory Optimisation). Daniel Punzet presented 2 posters on the topics ‘The Impact of Arterial Input Function Selection on Dynamic Liver Perfusion Imaging with Cone-Beam CT’ (Haseljic, H., Frysch, R., Kulvait, V., Punzet, D., Werncke, T., Speck, O., Rose, G.) and ‘Evaluation of Data Consistency Condition-based Beam Hardening and Scatter Corrections for Clinical C-arm CBCT’ (Abdurahman, S., Frysch, R., Punzet, D., Manhart, M., Lücking, H., Lang, S., Dörfler, A., Rose, G.) and a talk on ‘Preliminary simulation results in model-based iterative DECT with respect to convergence speed, truncation and dose-reduction via double half scan geometry’ (Bismark, R., Rose, G.).

The studies can be read in the proceedings.